
A circular plate with a bed of creamy polenta in the center, surrounded by a ring of bright red tomato sauce. On top of the polenta is a mix of roasted vegetables, including bright yellow squash, deep green zucchini, and bright red cherry tomatoes. The veggies are topped with a mix of crunchy and creamy cheese, including Parmesan shavings, goat cheese crumbles, and melted mozzarella. The cheese is garnished with a sprinkle of fresh herbs.

New York City Cheese Feast

Main Course - American - June 04, 2023
Imagine golden-crust circles of creamy green-speckled polenta artistically arranged on a matte white dish. Swirls of vibrant red tomato vinaigrette whimsically navigate around and across the polenta, creating a stunning visual contrast. The plate is garnished with fresh basil leaves for added pop of color.

Polenta Collard Green Gratin with Tomato Vinaigrette

Main Course - Italian - March 05, 2024