arborio rice

A plate with four lamb chops cooked to medium-rare perfection, topped with a dollop of rhubarb chutney. The side is a creamy, green pea risotto studded with bits of pancetta.

Lamb Chop with Rhubarb Chutney and Pea Risotto

Main Course - American - April 10, 2023
A mound of creamy orange risotto topped with grilled, glazed shiitake mushrooms and crispy fried sage leaves.

Butternut Squash and Miso Shiitake Risotto

Main Course - Fusion - January 23, 2023
A brightly hued dish, it features risotto tinged with the lively orange color of the pumpkin, speckled with vibrant purple chunks of beetroot, topped with a scattering of toasted pumpkin seeds and a dash of fresh vibrant green parsley.

Roasted Pumpkin and Beetroot Risotto

Main Course - Fusion - November 01, 2023
A beautiful creamy orange risotto generously studded with flakes of pink trout, garnished with a sprig of fresh rosemary on top and a scattering of shredded parmesan. The plate rests on a rustic wooden board, with autumnal colors in the background, making the dish pop.

Autumn Harvest Trout Risotto

Side Dish - Italian - November 17, 2023