
Stack of fluffy orange pancakes, drizzled with maple syrup and topped with pecans and whipped cream.

Butternut Squash Pancakes

Brunch - American - January 08, 2023
Skewered rice cakes with sesame seeds and scallions, glazed in a glistening sweet and spicy sauce.

Tteokkochi Skewers

Snack - Fusion - April 28, 2023
A slice of bread pudding with a top layer of golden, toasty bread cubes, underneath a layer of rich, tangy blood orange custard. The bread appears to float, cushioned on top of the custard.

Blood Orange Bread Pudding

Dessert - American - April 12, 2023
The popover-style crepe sits tall and inviting on the plate, golden-brown and opened up to reveal the lightly browned crab stuffing. It's all draped in an inviting silky carrot-ginger emulsion that pools slightly at the base creating a vibrant contrast. Hints of green from the fresh chervil garnishing the dish add a dash of color.

Baked Crab-Stuffed Crepe with a Carrot-Ginger Emulsion

Main Course - French - March 08, 2024
In a shallow earthenware bowl, the vibrant green Fava beans pop against the rich, glossy simmered soy-based broth. Melt-in-mouth meat and glistening Shitake mushrooms complete the earthy spectacle. Finished with a sprinkle of fresh green onions and a side of pickled radish for color contrast.

Nikujaga-inspired Slow Cooker Fava Beans

Main Course - Japanese - May 17, 2024