
A golden roasted eggplant half topped with a generous spoonful of romesco sauce, garnished with toasted almonds and fresh parsley.

Roasted Eggplant with Romesco Sauce

Main Course - Spanish - June 27, 2023
Two luscious cannoli elegantly placed side-by-side. The dark, crisp shells contrast against the creamy, citrusy filling, speckled with zest. Fresh raspberries, dollops of lemon curd, and a sprinkle of powdered sugar decorate the plate, while slivered almonds and fresh mint leaves give the dish height and a pop of color.

Crab Cannoli with Citrus-Almond Ricotta

Dessert - Italian - August 24, 2023
From above, you see a circular pie with a golden-brown crust. A large 'pi' symbol cut out of the same crust sits in the center, revealing the vibrant scarlet of raspberry filling underneath. The surrounding area is speckled with crunchy almond crumble.

Pi-symbol Raspberry Pie

Desserts - American - March 14, 2024
From atop, see five plump Poblano peppers in a radial pattern, with their tops open revealing a colorful filling of fruits and meat. They are draped in a creamy white walnut sauce and artistically sprinkled with bright red pomegranate seeds and fresh green cilantro leaves. Plated on a round, rustic ceramic dish providing a stunning contrast.

Chiles en Nogada: Stuffed Poblano Peppers in Walnut Sauce

Main Course - Mexican - May 05, 2024