
A beautiful display of color and texture: a snow-white piece of pan-seared cod rests on a bed of vibrant orange wasabi sweet potato mash. Glossy golden miso glaze embellishes it in abstract patterns, and bright green sprinkles of thinly shredded seaweed and black sesame seeds accentuate the food art. To the side, a small cluster of pickled fennel adds a pop of exciting neon pink.

Pan-Seared Cod with Wasabi Sweet Potato Mash and Miso Glaze

Main Course - Japanese - August 10, 2023
This is a vibrant platter boasting of a pan-seared golden brown cod draped in chunky dark green tomatillo salsa. Around it lie charred lime halves and sprigs of fresh cilantro. Finishing off with a dusting of crumbled queso fresco gives it a pop of white color and texture contrast. Everything is staged on a ceramic plate symbolizing rustic charm.

Mexican-Style Cod Veracruz with Chunky Tomatillo Salsa

Main Course - Mexican - March 28, 2024