
The dish is a pleasing mix of colors - a creamy, near-white base with spots of golden caramelized fennel mingling with the darker specks of cooked pancetta. A light dusting of parmesan cheese and a smattering of fresh green fennel fronds on top gives a perfect contrast. It’s served in a vintage Italian ceramic bowl for a truly rustic feel.

Roasted Fennel and Pancetta Risotto

Side Dish - Italian - August 08, 2024
From above, the glass gleams with a seductive mix of colors as luscious cream layers settle with distinct boundaries against the glass' contour. Warm coffee shades medley with a dense white cloud of mascarpone and delicate dusting of cocoa. A single biscotti laid diagonally across the glass adds a visually intriguing crunch factor.

Tiramisu Affogato Martini

Dessert - Italian Fusion - October 01, 2024