coconut flakes

A vibrant purple smoothie topped with a sprinkle of coconut flakes.

Foggy Morning Smoothie

Smoothie - American - July 05, 2023
An enticing circular collection of colorful, freshly cut tomatoes, pineapples, cilantro leaves and avocado slices, scattered over a bed of mixed baby greens. The salad is adorned with toasted coconut flakes and pomegranate arils, sprinkled lightly over the top, adding a sparkling jewel-like effect. The plate is framed with a lime wedges letting dipping edges touch the salad. Perfect viewing from top.

Tropical Tomato Fete Salad

Salad - Caribbean - August 23, 2023
A plate filled with what appears to be traditional sushi rolls. The avant-garde 'fish slices' on top of some pieces exhibit vibrant hues of strawberry red, coconut white, and mango orange - more colorful than the standard sushi. The overall look is artistic and fun, garnished with 'ginger and wasabi' made from pink Starburst and green cake icing, and served with 'soy sauce' which is actually liquid chocolate.

April Fools' Candy Sushi

Appetizer - Fusion - April 01, 2024
From above, you see a creamy coconut soup, dotted with vibrant green dandelion pieces, with a scattering of crimson chili slivers and snowy white coconut flakes. The bright colors contrast dramatically against the creamy background, making it a sight to behold.

Spicy Dandelion Greens Coconut Soup

Soup - Thai - May 24, 2024