
A plate with four lamb chops cooked to medium-rare perfection, topped with a dollop of rhubarb chutney. The side is a creamy, green pea risotto studded with bits of pancetta.

Lamb Chop with Rhubarb Chutney and Pea Risotto

Main Course - American - April 10, 2023
Viewing from above, you see a bed of neatly twirled penne nested in the center of the plate, tossed with a vibrant mix of dark purple radicchio, specks of brown crispy pancetta, and creamy chunks of gorgonzola. A gentle sprinkle of chopped parsley highlights the colors, sided by a golden toasted garlic bread slice.

Autumn Radiance Radicchio Penne Pasta

Main Course - American - October 03, 2023
A large, white bowl of risotto boasting creamy grains of rice with flecks of cooked green cabbage and caramelized bits of pancetta. Topped with a dusting of Parmesan and a sprinkle of fresh parsley, on a simple white background that makes the colors pop.

Hearty Cabbage & Pancetta Risotto

Main Course - Italian - March 07, 2024
A ruddy, vibrant pottage generously studded with succulent pancetta and lush cannellini beans. The crowning glory is a flurry of fresh green dill, and ripples of indulgent ricotta that seamlessly weave into the top layer.

Dill-Infused Italian Brunch Pottage

Brunch - Italian - April 06, 2024