rice flour

Succulent shrimp beautifully caramelized with a glaze mimic the enticing texture of unagi, arranged on a bed of crispy tempura veggies. Golden yellow, orange, and green colors contrast against the soft, inviting white of the Japanese rice. The dish is completed by light drizzles of plum wine sauce, which add a gleaming touch and subtle dashes of color. On the side, garnished with a sprig of fresh mint, is a small dish of extra plum wine sauce, inviting you to indulge.

Unagi-style Shrimp with Summer Vegetable Tempura & Plum Wine Sauce

Main Course - Japanese Fusion - August 27, 2023
The treats, a blend of creamy richness and deep hues, are shaped like cute, little fish - an amusing nod to our furry companions' favorite natural prey. With toasted sesame seeds for eyes, they are plated on a bed of fresh mint, dappled under warm autumnal light.

Pumpkin-Catnip Cat Day Fish Bites

Pet Food - American - October 29, 2023
These tender, glossy Tang Yuan sitting in a shallow pool of fragrant syrup, garnish with a sprinkle of fresh dill. The creamy, deep-purple red bean paste peeking through the translucent rice ball exterior. Beautifully balancing the rustic and the complex, the dish is both visually stunning and palate-engaging.

Dill-infused Tang Yuan with Red Bean Paste

Dessert - Chinese - November 30, 2023
Perfectly round, golden sesame balls adorned with tiny sparkling sugar crystals rest atop a cool white plate like glistening snowballs. Strands of glistening caramelized onions peek out from their cracked centers, reflecting the warm, ambient lighting.

Gilded Caramelized Onion Sesame Balls

Dessert - Chinese - December 15, 2023
The plated dish features bouncy red lobster chunks coated in light, golden batter, nestled among vibrant green herbs. A swirl of chili mayo sauce adds an enticing red contrast. A sprinkle of sesame seeds over the top finishes the scenic view.

Korean-Style Lobster Popcorn

Snack - Korean Fusion - December 17, 2023