The jam has a beautiful light pink color with small chunks of lychee and raspberry mixed in.

Lychee Raspberry Jam with Rose Water

Category Condiment
Prep 5 minutes
Cook 20 minutes
Style Fusion
Technique Boiling
Diet Friendly Vegan

Daily Recipe: May 17, 2023

This homemade lychee raspberry jam with rose water is a perfect blend of sweet and floral flavors. The lychee's subtle sweetness combined with tart raspberries and a hint of rose water creates a unique jam that's perfect for breakfast or as a topping for desserts.

Ingredients (for 10)


  1. Step 1 - 🍓🍬🍋
    In a medium saucepan, combine chopped lychees, raspberries, granulated sugar, and lemon juice. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the sugar dissolves.
  2. Step 2 - 🔥🌡️🕑
    Turn up the heat to medium-high and bring the mixture to a boil.
  3. Step 3 - 🥀🧂
    Stir in rose water and salt.
  4. Step 4 - 🍳🕑🧁
    Reduce the heat and let the jam simmer, stirring occasionally, until it thickens (about 15-20 minutes). To check if the jam has thickened enough, put a small spoonful of jam onto a plate and let it sit for a few seconds. If it wrinkles when you push it with your finger, it's done.
  5. Step 5 - 💨❄️🍽️
    Remove the pan from the heat and let the jam cool for 10 minutes. Transfer the jam to a jar or airtight container and let it cool to room temperature. Store in the fridge for up to a month.


This jam tastes great as a spread on toast, or as a topping for pancakes, waffles, or ice cream. You can also substitute other berries for the raspberries, such as blackberries or strawberries. Kids can help chop the lychees and measure out the ingredients. Enjoy!