Mid-golden, caramel-glazed fillet of fish, gently charred on its edges, seated on a black lacquer plate. Garnished with microgreens and thinly-sliced radishes at its side, adding to the subtle elegance. A small dish of vibrant, freshly grated wasabi roots complements the plating.

Saikyo Yaki: Grilled Miso-Marinated Fish

Category Main Course
Prep 15 minutes
Cook 10 minutes
Style Japanese
Technique Grilling
Diet Friendly Gluten-Free

Daily Recipe: October 22, 2023

Why not savor the elegance of 'Kyoto's Kitchen' with Saikyo Yaki, a classic festive dish from the Kyoto area, served during traditional Japanese festivals like Jidai Matsuri. Made with Saikyo miso, a naturally sweet white miso from Kyoto, it gives a luscious flavor when marinated with fish. This dish pairs tradition with simple ingredients and sumptuous flavors.

Ingredients (for 4)


  1. Step 1 - 🥣🥢🍚
    In a bowl, mix together Saikyo miso, sake, mirin, salt, and sugar until you get a smooth marination sauce.
  2. Step 2 - 🐟🥣🌙
    Lay the fish fillets in a shallow dish, pour over the marinade, ensuring each fillet is evenly coated. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2-3 days.
  3. Step 3 - 🔥🐟🩹
    Preheat your grill. Gently wipe off the excess marinade from the fillets (don't rinse), brush with a bit of oil and place on the grill rack.
  4. Step 4 - 🐟🔥⏲️
    Grill each side of the fish for about 4-5 minutes or until fully cooked and the surface looks caramelized with a few char spots.
  5. Step 5 - 🍽️🌱🍣
    Plate your grilled fish, garnish with radishes and microgreens. Serve with a side of freshly grated wasabi.


Saikyo Yaki represents the preservation techniques used in olden Kyoto due to its lack of access to fresh fish. A longer marinade deepens the flavor, but don't marinate for more than 3 days. Kids can help with preparing the marinade and garnishing.