
A creamy, velvety, light-green soup with slices of earthy shiitake mushrooms floating atop. A drizzle of white miso paste and a scattering of black sesame seeds enhance the soup's vibrant color, while fresh herbs on the side, such as parsley and thyme, offer a lively contrast.

Celery Misoshroom Soup

Soup - Fusion - October 31, 2023
A dark ceramic bowl filled with a golden soup, garnished with green pak choi leaves, charred corn kernels, and finely sliced leeks. The steam dancing from the soup adds a cozy aura. A lime wedge on the side ready to be squeezed.

Asian-Inspired Leek & Corn Soup with Miso

Soup - Fusion - December 24, 2023
A deep, richly colored soup is served in elegant, wide-rimmed bowls for visual impact. The hearty pieces of Matsutake mushrooms and chunky hominy float near the surface, creating a satisfying textural contrast. A vibrant garnish of crisp radish slices, fresh chopped cilantro, and a lime wedge enhance the visual appeal while inviting a squeeze of freshness over the soup.

Matsutake Posole-Style Soup

Soup - Mexican Fusion - January 26, 2024
A vibrant emerald soup served in a sleek white bowl, studded with colorful bites of finely diced carrot, parsnip, and beetroot. A thread of cream swirls on top, while a sprig of parsley and a sprinkle of fresh ground pepper complete the picture.

Creamy Parsley Potage with Root Vegetable Confetti

Soup - American - March 19, 2024
From above, you see a creamy coconut soup, dotted with vibrant green dandelion pieces, with a scattering of crimson chili slivers and snowy white coconut flakes. The bright colors contrast dramatically against the creamy background, making it a sight to behold.

Spicy Dandelion Greens Coconut Soup

Soup - Thai - May 24, 2024