
A plate with perfectly cooked dumplings, lightly golden brown and gently steaming, accompanied by a small dish of savory dipping sauce.

Cheeseburger Dumplings

Main Course - Fusion - January 22, 2023
The top view offers a glimpse into the luxurious world of gastronomy: a stunningly bright, halved lobster shell filled with juicy chunks of lobster meat coated in a creamy light-yellow béchamel sauce with hints of green herbs, contrasted against the deep-red lobster shell. The lobster is arranged on a plate circled with mixed greens and an array of dainty edible flowers cultured for a burst of colors.

Grand Manhattan Lobster Thermidor

Main Course - American - September 25, 2023
Think depth and contrast for the perfect snapshot. A slice of toasted, golden brown multi-grain bread forms the base. It's generously smeared with luscious, creamy avocado followed by chunks of ruby-red Tuna confit, the hero of the dish. These are adorned with ruby red bits of diced tomato and specks of green chive. A gentle drizzle of golden lemon-garlic dressing graces the arrangement and a small sprig of dill on top adds the final touch.

Fusion-style Tuna Tartine

Brunch - Fusion - November 26, 2023
Golden-brown cylinders of stuffed beef, speckled with caraway seeds and garnished with sprigs of rosemary. Underneath, a bed of red cabbage infused with a deep purple hue, and surrounding them, delicate pools of the tangy mustard cream sauce. The plate is accented with a sprinkling of fresh flat-leaf parsley for a pop of vibrant green.

Krampusnacht Sauerkraut Rouladen

Main Course - German - December 05, 2023
Glistening green beans lay like a lush bed, propping up golden brown chicken pieces coated in a layer of enticing Dijon glaze. Small punctuations of vibrantly caramelized lemon wedges and scattered chopped herbs lend an aesthetic balance of color and texture as steam lazily rises from the concoction.

Green Bean Cassolette with Dijon Mustard Chicken

Main Course - French - June 06, 2024