red chili

A colorful plate of tender shrimp and squid tossed with veggies, herbs and tangy dressing.

Thai-inspired Seafood Salad

Main Course - Thai Fusion - June 11, 2023
Golden-brown slices of pan-seared halloumi cheese sit proudly at the dish's center. Spots of vibrant green from the lemon and herb-infused couscous pop from underneath. Charred eggplant quarters, glistening with olive oil, balance at the edge of the plate. The seasoning of deep red paprika on the cheese echoes in bits of chopped red chili scattered around. Finish off with a sprinkle of fresh herbs for a fine dining flair. It's as dazzling to the eye as it is to the palate.

Spiced Halloumi with Roasted Eggplant and Lemon-Herb Couscous

Main Course - Mediterranean - September 25, 2023
A generous serving of glossy black-shelled mussels peeking out from a coral-pink broth, garnished with verdant cilantro leaves and bright red chili slices. Shared among four earthenware bowls, emitting an appetizing warmth.

Thai-infused Mussels in Coconut and Red Curry Broth

Main Course - Fusion - October 04, 2023
Sunset golden mini tostadas serving as floating islands on a dark slate. Each is crowned with a glistening, plump oyster, luxuriously draped in tangy green salsa. Flecks of spicy red chili and cool, green cilantro leaves speckle each oyster, alongside a generous sprinkle of crumbled white cheese capturing the twinkle in your Instagram photos.

Oyster Tostada Bites

Snack - Mexican - October 15, 2023
A fluffy, golden-brown frittata studded with pieces of caramelized shiitake mushroom and spiced red peppers. The top is sprinkled with fresh green cilantro leaves and crumbled feta cheese, providing a beautiful contrast against the golden egg mixture. The dish is served on a rustic black slate plate.

Indian Spiced Shiitake Mushroom Frittata

Brunch - Indian Fusion - November 04, 2023
A colorful, steaming bowl heaped with glossy mussels, their blue-gray shells contrasted against the vibrant red chili tomato broth. Sprinkles of bright green coriander and wedges of lime are strewn across the top for a vibrant pop of color.

Mexican-Style Mussels in Chili Tomato Broth

Main Course - Mexican - December 04, 2023
A vibrant palette of greens, reds, and whites mix together in a beautifully plated dish. The dark insistent green of the Escarole contrasts with the cheerful whites of the rice pearls and the fiery reds of the thinly sliced peppers. The mix is topped with shiny pomegranate seeds and a sprinkle of black sesame for the perfect Instagram-worthy shot.

Fiery Thai Escarole Salad

Salad - Thai - December 22, 2023
A beautifully baked serving dish filled with caramelized white mushrooms and golden sesame-crusted tofu pieces. The ingredients are glazed with a glossy, sticky sauce, sparkling under soft light. Sprinkled atop are emerald cilantro leaves and vibrant red chili strands, creating a stark contrast against the monochromatic palette underneath.

Fusion White Mushroom and Sesame Tofu Bake

Main Course - Fusion - January 16, 2024
A vibrant, verdant-hued heap of homemade nettle linguini sits ringed by a colourful array of seashells bedazzled with still-glistening clams and cerise prawns. Bright flecks of red chili and lemon zest lend pops of color, while a dusting of crumbled pecorino and chopped parsley crowns the creation.

Nettle-Infused Linguini with Springtime Seafood Medley

Main Course - Italian - April 26, 2024