
A plate of pasta and colorful vegetables in a creamy sauce.

Spring Vegetables Pasta with Creamy Lemon Parmesan Sauce

Main Course - Fusion - June 01, 2023
From above, the dish resembles a luscious green field speckled with ruby-red pomegranate seeds and capped by glossy, snow-white walnut sauce. The contrasting colors and visual depth create an inviting and sumptuous sight.

Festive Chiles en Nogada

Main Course - Mexican - September 16, 2023
Golden caramelized Salmon rests in the heart of a vibrant green lettuce leaf, garnished with a sprinkle of sesame seeds, julienned carrots and finely sliced scallions. The juicy salmon contrasts beautifully with the crisp lettuce, making for an 'almost too pretty to eat' visually stunning treat.

Teriyaki Glazed Salmon Lettuce Wraps

Main Course - Japanese - September 26, 2023
A rustic bowl holds a feast for the eye and taste, brimming with plump open mussels, warm hued pumpkin chunks, and sprigs of fresh thyme. Caramelized shallots shimmer in the creamy white broth, dotted with orange zest curls. Crusty French bread slices nestled at one side, perfect for soaking up the delicious wine broth.

Pumpkin-Infused Mussels in White Wine Broth

Quick and Easy - French - October 05, 2023
From above, you see a delectably inviting plate. At its center is a mound of beautiful pappardelle pasta, its wide ribbons luxuriously coated with a creamy white ragu, flecks of torn basil leaves add pops of green. Each strand glistens with the sauce, welcoming you to take a fork and twirl.

Pappardelle al Ragu Bianco - World Pasta Day Edition

Main Course - Italian - October 25, 2023
A beautifully plated mountain of golden tagliatelle studded with gem-like, glistening mussels, accented with splashes of ruby red pomegranate seeds. The dish is finished off with a sprinkle of fresh green parsley showcasing a beautiful contrast of vibrant colors.

Star Anise & Turmeric Mussels Tagliatelle

Main Course - Fusion - November 23, 2023
The dish is a visual feast. Bright orange carrot purée forms an arched backdrop on the plate, juxtaposed with a variety of pan-seared seafood - salmon, shrimp, and scallops neatly lined up. Drizzled curry glaze in whimsical patterns over the seafood whispers subtle exoticism. Bits of chopped chives scattered provide vibrant specks of green.

Seascape Platter with Carrot Purée and Curry Glaze

Main Course - Fusion - December 08, 2023
A creamy, golden risotto is majestically served in a deep white plate. Fluffs of Parmesan and sprigs of fresh thyme are artfully scattered on top. Splashes of olive oil reflect the light, and the charred pumpkin pieces give the dish its pop of color.

Thyme-Infused Pumpkin Risotto

Main Course - Italian - February 08, 2024
A large, white bowl of risotto boasting creamy grains of rice with flecks of cooked green cabbage and caramelized bits of pancetta. Topped with a dusting of Parmesan and a sprinkle of fresh parsley, on a simple white background that makes the colors pop.

Hearty Cabbage & Pancetta Risotto

Main Course - Italian - March 07, 2024
A deep bowl showcasing thin, shiny noodles generously tossed with delicate pink shrimp, bedecked with vivid green dill fronds. Tinges of fiery red chili flake spots add dimension, while a wedge of lime rests on the edge - a bright pop of color against the sumptuous canvas.

Dilly Drunken Shrimp Noodles

Main Course - Chinese Fusion - April 21, 2024
This dish is a deep creamy pink, studded with crumbled sausage and contrasts of bright red and green from the rhubarb and garnish. The creamy risotto is heaped onto pearlescent white plates, topped with grated Parmesan snow, fresh herbs scatter on top while the shiny drizzle of olive oil gives it a luminous glow.

Creamy Rhubarb Risotto with Sausage

Main Course - Italian - May 19, 2024
A round ivory mound of potato mash elegantly rests in the center of the plate. Green celery batons gently press into the mash imitating a starburst, while fresh herbs are tastefully scattered to add color contrasts. A smooth, golden sauce lightly drizzled around completes this Instagram-worthy masterpiece.

Celery Viennetta Parmentier

Main Course - French - May 28, 2024
A vibrant canvas of colorful Spanish paella in an earthy, rustic Paella pan. Glossy, plump blueberries lend specks of blue and purple amongst crumbles of rich red chorizo and golden saffron-infused rice. Bright green peas and red bell peppers peek through this enticing medley. Accents of fresh parsley and lemon wedges at the rim of the pan complete the picture.

Blueberry Infused Chorizo Paella

Main Course - Spanish - June 17, 2024