
Baked salmon fillets on a bed of asparagus with a lemon-garlic sauce and sprinkled with hazelnuts.

Lemon Salmon with Asparagus and Hazelnuts

Main Course - American - May 09, 2023
The baked potatoes are halved and filled with the steaming mushroom ragout, which has a rich dark color and is topped with freshly chopped herbs.

Baked potato with vegan mushroom ragout

Main Course - American - May 10, 2023
A vibrant bowl of deep orange-brown soup topped with fresh green herbs and a swirl of cooling cream. The hearty chunks of potato and smoked sausage peek from beneath the surface, while a sprinkle of vibrant red cajun spice on top signals a flavorful adventure.

Swamp Spud Cajun Soup

Main Course - Cajun - September 04, 2023
A vibrant rhythmic dance of colours and textures in a deep serving bowl. A base of warm, fluffy quinoa tinted shades of red from the tomatoes and spices, specked with green okras and bell peppers, subtly dusted with smoked paprika. Topped off with a garnish of fresh basil leaves and a scattering of roasted peanuts for an enticing crunch. The dish is surrounded by fresh ingredients, capturing a sense of freshness and authenticity.

Twisted Jollof Quinoa & Okra Medley

Main Course - African - September 09, 2023
A bowl of creamy white congee with a warm golden hue from the diced persimmons which float like jewels in the porridge. The crispy, caramel-brown bacon strips lay across the top, garnished with a vibrant sprinkle of chopped green scallions. The dish radiates warm and cozy autumn vibes.

Persimmon Congee with Crispy Bacon and Scallions

Brunch - Chinese Fusion - October 21, 2023
Large, caramelized Portobello caps take center stage of the ivory plate, contrasted by an understudy of vibrant, green lentils laced with colorful bursts of diced red bell pepper and finely chopped parsley. A golden lemon wedge, ready to squeeze, offers a pop of color in the upper corner.

Pan-Roasted Portobello with Herbes de Provence Lentils

Main Course - French - October 26, 2023
A creamy, velvety, light-green soup with slices of earthy shiitake mushrooms floating atop. A drizzle of white miso paste and a scattering of black sesame seeds enhance the soup's vibrant color, while fresh herbs on the side, such as parsley and thyme, offer a lively contrast.

Celery Misoshroom Soup

Soup - Fusion - October 31, 2023
Golden-brown cylinders of stuffed beef, speckled with caraway seeds and garnished with sprigs of rosemary. Underneath, a bed of red cabbage infused with a deep purple hue, and surrounding them, delicate pools of the tangy mustard cream sauce. The plate is accented with a sprinkling of fresh flat-leaf parsley for a pop of vibrant green.

Krampusnacht Sauerkraut Rouladen

Main Course - German - December 05, 2023
A dark ceramic bowl filled with a golden soup, garnished with green pak choi leaves, charred corn kernels, and finely sliced leeks. The steam dancing from the soup adds a cozy aura. A lime wedge on the side ready to be squeezed.

Asian-Inspired Leek & Corn Soup with Miso

Soup - Fusion - December 24, 2023
The dish is a beautiful dance of colors, with the red lentils shining bright under the smooth, golden saffron-infused broth. Dotted with vibrant green herbs and crimson peppers, it's a feast for the eyes.

Mediterranean Saffron and Red Lentil Stew

Main Course - Fusion - January 23, 2024
A deep, richly colored soup is served in elegant, wide-rimmed bowls for visual impact. The hearty pieces of Matsutake mushrooms and chunky hominy float near the surface, creating a satisfying textural contrast. A vibrant garnish of crisp radish slices, fresh chopped cilantro, and a lime wedge enhance the visual appeal while inviting a squeeze of freshness over the soup.

Matsutake Posole-Style Soup

Soup - Mexican Fusion - January 26, 2024
Golden roasted chicken topped with aromatic herbs sits elegantly in the center of the plate, presenting the enticing chestnut stuffing peeking from within. A rich, glossy herb-gravy lightly drizzled over and encircling the chicken enhances its appetizing glory. A side of seasonal steamed vegetables add color and balance to the plate.

Roasted Chestnut Stuffed Chicken with Herb-gravy

Main Course - American - January 31, 2024
A vibrant heap of glossy, richly-spiced stir-fried cabbage and tofu sits over a bed of fluffy quinoa, the distinct pieces of wine-soaked currants and scattered fresh herbs are visible. Lemon wedges and a mint sprig adorn the edge of the deep, ceramic bowl, framing the colorful array of dark green cabbage, creamy tofu chunks, bright fresh herbs, and pops of currants

Spiced Cabbage and Tofu Stir-Fry with Herby Quinoa

Main Course - Fusion - February 07, 2024
The dish is a striking visual panorama with a smorgasbord of colors. The white of the turnips contrasts beautifully with the vibrant yellow rice peeping through the colorful medley of red peppers and green peas. A sprinkle of vibrant green parsley brings a freshness to the dish while lightly char grilled lemon wedges add contrast.

Spanish Turnip Paella

Main Course - Spanish - February 21, 2024
A white deep-dish platter filled with golden brown new potatoes lightly stewed, garnished with sprigs of fresh dill, sprinkles of crumbled feta cheese, bursts of green olives and droplets of yellow lemon zest. A slice of crusty bread sits to one side.

Slow Cooker Nouveau Greek Potatoes

Main Course - Greek - April 09, 2024
A vibrant canvas of colorful Spanish paella in an earthy, rustic Paella pan. Glossy, plump blueberries lend specks of blue and purple amongst crumbles of rich red chorizo and golden saffron-infused rice. Bright green peas and red bell peppers peek through this enticing medley. Accents of fresh parsley and lemon wedges at the rim of the pan complete the picture.

Blueberry Infused Chorizo Paella

Main Course - Spanish - June 17, 2024
Looking down into a deep, rustic bowl, you see a golden saffron-infused rice at the base, topped with uneven chunks of chorizo, a scattering of thinly sliced fennel that have curled lightly from cooking, and finally radiant crescents of caramelized oranges. A swirl of green from the fresh fennel tops gives it a garden-fresh vibe. It's a dish that entices you to dig in with its vibrant colors and tantalizing array of textures.

Fusion Fennel & Chorizo Rice Bowl

Brunch - Fusion - June 29, 2024