
From above, you see a delectably inviting plate. At its center is a mound of beautiful pappardelle pasta, its wide ribbons luxuriously coated with a creamy white ragu, flecks of torn basil leaves add pops of green. Each strand glistens with the sauce, welcoming you to take a fork and twirl.

Pappardelle al Ragu Bianco - World Pasta Day Edition

Main Course - Italian - October 25, 2023
A plate topped with grilled chicken slices slathered in a glossy orange and chicory sauce, adorned with chopped cilantro and thin slices of orange. A bed of vibrant purple cabbage slaw provides a colorful underscoring.

Caribbean Chicory and Orange Spiced Chicken

Main Course - Caribbean - November 22, 2023
Golden-brown cylinders of stuffed beef, speckled with caraway seeds and garnished with sprigs of rosemary. Underneath, a bed of red cabbage infused with a deep purple hue, and surrounding them, delicate pools of the tangy mustard cream sauce. The plate is accented with a sprinkling of fresh flat-leaf parsley for a pop of vibrant green.

Krampusnacht Sauerkraut Rouladen

Main Course - German - December 05, 2023
Two bronzed pork chops resting on a white ceramic plate, encrusted with a vibrant red and crisp pear kimchi. The glistening chops are topped with a luscious drizzle of barbeque sauce, and garnished with black sesame seeds and fresh sprigs of cilantro. On the side, there's a small serving of creamy mashed sweet potatoes, offering a seductive pop of orange.

Grilled Pear Kimchi Pork Chops

Main Course - Korean - January 02, 2024
A vibrant and colorful plate filled with glossy linguine twirled onto itself. Bright green cilantro and red chili flakes stand out against the golden hues of the pasta. Dark mussels, topped with glistening chorizo crust add depth and intrigue to the dish.

Mexitalian Mussels and Chorizo Linguine

Main Course - Fusion - February 28, 2024
A ruddy, vibrant pottage generously studded with succulent pancetta and lush cannellini beans. The crowning glory is a flurry of fresh green dill, and ripples of indulgent ricotta that seamlessly weave into the top layer.

Dill-Infused Italian Brunch Pottage

Brunch - Italian - April 06, 2024
Golden-brown morsels of slow-cooked pork are speckled with vibrant, green fava beans, all drowned in a shiny, richly-colored hickory BBQ sauce. The dish is set on a rustic white plate, garnished with a few sprigs of fresh thyme for a pop of color.

Slow-Cooked Hickory BBQ Pork and Fava Beans

Main Course - American - May 09, 2024
A robust and sumptuous feast for the eyes! The glistening Kobe beef patty, laced with melting cheese, rests atop a glossy toasted brioche bun. Ruby red tomato, vibrant green lettuce, and a golden layer of caramelized onion jam add a trio of colors. Thin, crispy French fries spill enticingly from one side of the plate, their golden hue matching the patty's cheese.

NYC Iconic Star Burger

BBQ - American - May 28, 2024