
A rainbow of colors featuring crispy lettuce, juicy tomatoes, sweet corn, creamy avocado, crunchy tortilla chips, and a zesty lime dressing

Vegan Southwest Salad

Main Course - American - February 03, 2023
A beautiful and colorful seafood stew with shrimp, mussel, squid, and vegetables, served with crusty bread to soak up the rich tomato-based broth.

Moroccan-Spanish Seafood Stew

Main Course - Mediterranean - March 27, 2023
A bright and colorful plate with tender, roasted asparagus in a tangy tomato sauce, sprinkled with quinoa.

Asparagus and Tomato with Chipotle Sauce

Main Course - Mexican - May 30, 2023
The plated dish features juicy chicken breasts stuffed with mozzarella, tomatoes, and basil, topped with a vibrant tomato sauce and fresh herbs.

Caprese Stuffed Chicken

Main Course - Italian - August 06, 2023
A clean white bowl filled to the brim. Chunky ripe tomatoes mingling with luscious avocado pieces, set on a backdrop of toasted brown rustic bread. The silver gleam of grilled sardines tops it all, glimmering with a drizzle of glossy olive oil. A sprinkle of fresh parsley leaves and a lemon wedge provide a final pop of color.

Mediterranean Sardine Bruschetta Bottomless Bowl

Brunch - Mediterranean - August 12, 2023
A colorful hash brown skillet adorned with bright red tomatoes, yellow bell peppers, and sprinkles of vibrant green oregano. A sunny-side-up egg proudly sits in the center, its yolk gleaming invitingly.

Zesty Oregano Breakfast Skillet

Breakfast - American - August 28, 2023
A pristine white plate is the canvas for our vibrant dish. Centered is the tender, white flesh of the snapper, coated with reddish-brown Cajun spices. Surrounding the fish is a colorful mélange of red, yellow, and green heirloom tomatoes, speckled with dark bits of assorted olives, and fine, green sprigs of herbs. Edible flowers sprinkled around bring pops of color, creating a feast for the eyes.

Cajun-Spiced Mediterranean Snapper

Main Course - Fusion - September 03, 2023
Golden strands of spaghetti squash gently tangle around your fork, contrasting with the robust and hearty chicken ragu. Flecks of fresh herbs bring a dash of color and promise of flavor, while a final dusting of cauliflower 'Parmesan' completes the picturesque composition.

Spaghetti Squash with Hearty Paleo Chicken Ragu

Main Course - Italian - December 06, 2023
A deep, terracotta bowl filled with seafood stew, topped with vibrant green herbs and colorful citrus salsa. The translucent pink prawns, black mussels, and succulent white fish pieces peek out from the rich, deep-red tomato and bean stew. The whole dish exudes a warm, appetizing glow.

Marine Feijoada with Citrus Salsa

Main Course - Mediterranean Fusion - December 12, 2023
The dish displays a visually delightful duo of puffy, golden ravioli against an elegantly smeared bead of balsamic reduction. The filling peeks through the ravioli, revealing glimpses of the scrumptious crab mixture. A scattering of roughly torn fresh mint leaves and vibrant lemon zest adds pops of color, rounding off the presentation with a rustic appeal.

Crab-Stuffed Caprese Salad Ravioli

Main Course - Italian - January 09, 2024
A bed of deep-red roasted Roma tomatoes lies underneath a creamy, white Burrata cheese ball in the center of the plate. Steaming hot, chunks of caramelized Italian sausage are scattered around, encased in the fragrant green halo of fresh basil leaves and drizzled with EVOO and balsamic glaze. The salad is dusted with a touch of black pepper, showcasing an enticing play of colors, textures, and temperatures.

Roasted Caprese Salad with Caramelized Italian Sausage

Main Course - Italian - January 13, 2024
The dish is a beautiful dance of colors, with the red lentils shining bright under the smooth, golden saffron-infused broth. Dotted with vibrant green herbs and crimson peppers, it's a feast for the eyes.

Mediterranean Saffron and Red Lentil Stew

Main Course - Fusion - January 23, 2024
From above, you see a beautiful blend of vibrant red from the ripe San Marzano tomatoes, the creamy white of the melted fior di latte mozzarella, and the fresh green basil leaves. Right at the center, an edible gold leaf sits, catching your eye against the stark contrast of the warm, charred brown of the crust, representing a literal 'Pizza Gold Medal' to celebrate the occasion.

Pizza Day Celebration Margherita

Main Course - Italian - February 09, 2024
Atop a deep blue ceramic dish, the russet tones of the gumbo command attention. The meat, seafood, and colorful vegetables merrily mingle within the rich sauce, peeking through in tantalizing bursts. A fluffy mound of steamed rice dwells in the heart of the dish, framed by vibrant parsley and lemon wedges.

Mardi Gras Gumbo Extravaganza

Main Course - American - February 13, 2024
A slate tabletop decked with soft, yellow corn tortillas cradling mounds of coffee-brown ancho beef, topped with a vibrant fresno chile slaw, jadeite-green with thinly sliced fennel and cilantro. Crumbled queso fresco, resembling accents of snow, and a pool of avocado crema completes this rustic and appealing dish.

Ancho Beef & Fennel Tacos

Main Course - Mexican - March 04, 2024
Imagine golden-crust circles of creamy green-speckled polenta artistically arranged on a matte white dish. Swirls of vibrant red tomato vinaigrette whimsically navigate around and across the polenta, creating a stunning visual contrast. The plate is garnished with fresh basil leaves for added pop of color.

Polenta Collard Green Gratin with Tomato Vinaigrette

Main Course - Italian - March 05, 2024
The crispy, golden-brown leeks sit proudly in the center of the plate, cut lengthwise, revealing a heartwarming filling of chorizo, melted cheese, and vibrant green peas. On top, dots of red tomato and green salsa add a pop of festive color. Surrounding the leeks are accents of vibrant salsa verde and roasted cherry tomatoes that glisten tantalizingly.

Leeks Rellenos with Chorizo and Cheddar

Brunch - Mexican - March 09, 2024
A stunning plated dish featuring a bed of fluffy quinoa mixed with fresh spinach and cherry tomatoes at the base. On top, sit perfectly pan-seared salmon fillets, with golden-brown crispy edges. The dish is garnished with lemon wedges and fresh dill, providing a pop of color contrast. Everything is lightly drizzled with a zesty lemon-dill vinaigrette, adding a shine to this visually appealing dish.

Serene Salmon Quinoa Salad

Main Course - Mediterranean - April 07, 2024
A quartet of round golden tostadas sit upon a modern light grey stone platter. Each tostada is piled high with tender pink and white clam pieces, contrasting with the vibrant orange and green from a fresh citrus salsa. Crumbled white cheese and a sprinkling of finely chopped, vibrant green cilantro leaves top the ensemble which is dotted with small cubes of ripe avocado.

Baja Clam Tostadas with Ancho Chile-Citrus Salsa

Brunch - Mexican - April 27, 2024
An attractive ceramic skillet filled with a reddish-orange sauce with pieces of rainbow chard peeping out. Bursts of white set against this backdrop from poached eggs peeking from the sauce. Crumbles of feta and a sprinkle of fresh herbs add the final touch.

Mediterranean Chard Shakshuka

Brunch - Mediterranean - May 04, 2024
The chili serves a vibrant palette of spring hues. From the deep green of fava beans, nutty brown lentils speckled among chunks of white button mushrooms, to the soft translucent chunks of yellow onion. All of this bathed in an aromatic tomato broth with bright red tomatoes poking through the surface, garnished with a radiant sprig of parsley, specks of black pepper, and a small mound of creamy avocado slices offset to one side.

Spring Green Vegan Chili

Main Course - American - May 06, 2024
The dish is robust with colors - deep green Kale atop a medley of golden butter beans and tomato chunks, speckled with vibrant pieces of carrots and celery, and adorned with pearl onions adding a glossy touch. A sprinkling of breadcrumbs and finely chopped parsley completes the picture, making the whole dish come together in a harmony of rustic beauty.

Rustic French Slow-Cooker Kale Cassoulet

Main Course - French - May 10, 2024
At the heart of the plate is a perfectly cooked halibut, golden and flaky. Surrounding it, a rainbow of roasted spring vegetables: petite French beans, cherry tomatoes, and baby radishes. The side offering is a small heap of vibrant green pea purée. Drizzled over the halibut is a vibrant tangy citrus dressing, and sprinkled around the plate are fresh herbs. The contrast between the white fish, colorful vegetables, and green accents makes a striking, photogenic dish.

Provençale Halibut with Roasted Spring Vegetables

Main Course - French - June 09, 2024
A colorful medley of diced tomatoes, cucumber, and corn against a contrasting base of black beans and white quinoa, with a final sprinkling of crumbled feta cheese on top. Lemon wedges and avocado slices artfully placed on the side further enrich the palette with their bright yellows and greens.

Mediterranean Mex Bowl

Main Course - Fusion - June 19, 2024
A colorful sizzling pan filled with a thick, chunky tomato sauce laced with bell peppers, courgettes, and rusticly flaked trout topped with two perfectly poached eggs, toasty sesame seeds, and vibrant sprinkle of cilantro. Served with crusty sourdough to the side for a delightful insta-worthy food art.

Sun-Kissed Trout Shakshuka

Breakfast - Middle Eastern - June 26, 2024