
A stack of golden-colored, thin and crispy crepes, with a flavorful filling of spinach, mushrooms, and cheese spilling out from the sides. Topped with grated cheese and fresh herbs.

Spinach Mushroom and Cheese Crepes

Main Course - French - February 02, 2023
A deep green, velvety, and frothy smoothie topped with shredded coconut and a slice of ginger, served in a tall glass.

Matcha Avocado Green Smoothie

Smoothie - Fusion - February 21, 2023
A perfectly poached egg with a bright yellow yolk sits on top of a buttery toasted English muffin topped with sautéed mushrooms and asparagus, fresh spinach and finished with a rich hollandaise sauce.

Asparagus and Mushroom Eggs Benedict

Brunch - American - May 20, 2023
A pristine ceramic serving bowl that holds a beautiful medley of colorful julienned vegetables and protein atop a mound of steamed, fluffy rice. The rim of the bowl is adorned with alternating specks of bright orange carrot, fresh green spinach, golden stir-fried beef, and ivory bean sprouts, converging at the center where a sunny-side-up egg sits gloriously with its yolk golden and glistening in the light.

Festive Korean Bibimbap

Main Course - Korean - August 15, 2023
You see a smooth glass of olive-green goodness, sprinkled on top with a confetti of finely chopped chives, and garnished with a lightly grilled mussel on the rim. Tiny droplets of olive oil adorn the surface with a glossy sheen.

Smoky Mussel Manhattan Morning Smoothie

Smoothie - American - September 19, 2023
The smoothie has a beautiful, bright green color that pops against the clear glass it's served in. A delicate skewer of grilled shrimp rests atop the glass, accentuating the seafood component. The rim is garnished with a thick slice of green apple, providing a pop of textural interest.

Shrimp Avocado Zing Smoothie

Smoothie - Fusion - November 02, 2023
A fluffy, golden-brown frittata studded with pieces of caramelized shiitake mushroom and spiced red peppers. The top is sprinkled with fresh green cilantro leaves and crumbled feta cheese, providing a beautiful contrast against the golden egg mixture. The dish is served on a rustic black slate plate.

Indian Spiced Shiitake Mushroom Frittata

Brunch - Indian Fusion - November 04, 2023
A warm, steamy bowl filled with clear, rich, amber-colored miso broth with floating noodles, tofu cubes, baby spinach, and colorful carrot slices. Drizzled with a vibrant red pomegranate reduction and sprinkled with pomegranate arils on top for a pop of color and crunch, alongside a hint of green from the green onions and a side of grilled sourdough bread.

Pomegranate-Drizzled Miso Noodle Soup

Quick and Easy - Japanese - December 27, 2023
From above, you see a dark-colored bowl containing vibrant, chunky stew that breaks up the monochrome winter. Shades of bright orange butternut squash, dark green spinach, and speckles of red from the spiced tomato base are peeping out. A dollop of pastel-colored hummus cloud is perched on top, dusted with a burnt orange sprinkle of zaatar.

Middle-Eastern Spiced Stew with Hummus Cloud

Main Course - Mediterranean - January 08, 2024
This appealing dish features a bed of cauliflower 'rice' at the bottom, topped with neatly arranged sections of colorful vegetables - sauteed mushrooms, blanched spinach, julienned carrots, and ribbons of cucumber for a refreshing crunch. At the center, caramelized Korean BBQ beef adds a luscious bronzed tone, crowned by a sunny-side-up egg with a perfectly runny yolk; tiny touches of sesame seeds and finely chopped green onions sprinkled for a polished finish.

Low-Carb Korean BBQ Beef Bibimbap with Cauliflower Rice

Main Course - Korean - February 03, 2024
A golden-brown, slightly crumbly cornbread, cut open to reveal a burst of vibrant green spinach and bits of white feta cheese. A slice of this bread on a rustic wooden board, slightly tilted to showcase the beautiful filling, while the main loaf sits nearby, steam still wafting from the cut.

Spinach and Feta Stuffed Cornbread

Brunch - American - February 20, 2024
A sleek ceramic plate showcasing a glossy, oven-seared salmon fillet at the center, glossed with teriyaki glaze that gleams under light. An array of julienned vibrant, fresh vegetables- purple cabbage, red bell peppers and bright green spinach surround the salmon in an artful manner. The plating is finished with a drizzle of slightly opaque Yuzu Ginger Vinaigrette

Teriyaki-Seared Salmon with Yuzu Ginger Vinaigrette and Asian Slaw

Main Course - Japanese Fusion - March 29, 2024
A stunning plated dish featuring a bed of fluffy quinoa mixed with fresh spinach and cherry tomatoes at the base. On top, sit perfectly pan-seared salmon fillets, with golden-brown crispy edges. The dish is garnished with lemon wedges and fresh dill, providing a pop of color contrast. Everything is lightly drizzled with a zesty lemon-dill vinaigrette, adding a shine to this visually appealing dish.

Serene Salmon Quinoa Salad

Main Course - Mediterranean - April 07, 2024
An eye-catching, rustic ceramic plate hosting two golden brown tortilla boats, generously filled with vibrant, creamy spinach mix and tender, smoky chicken chunks. Cheesy melting peaks and dots of rich red enchilada sauce add a thrilling contrast. A sprinkling of fresh, light green cilantro leaves brings a note of freshness, completing this inviting dish.

Spinach & Chicken Enchilada Boats

Main Course - Tex-Mex - April 22, 2024
Two rolled corn tortillas sit side by side on a rustic white plate, bathed in creamy verde sauce, the bright green contrasting nicely against soft yellows of the tortillas. The enchiladas are generously sprinkled with queso fresco and adorned with colorful pickled red onions, chopped coriander, and a squeeze of lime for vibrance. A scattering of grilled morels completes the top while a lime wedge rests alongside for additional zest.

Morel Mushroom Enchiladas with Creamy Verde Sauce

Main Course - Mexican - April 23, 2024
Golden-brown deboned roast chicken arranged in the center of a warm rustic platter. The succulent chicken is encircled by a blush of tender artichokes and browned shiitake mushrooms, dotted with bits of crisp spinach, vibrant red bell peppers, and finished with a sprinkling of thyme and lemon zest.

Rosemary Roast Chicken with Artichokes and Shiitake

Main Course - American - May 11, 2024