
Thinly sliced and layered potatoes baked to golden brown perfection.

Gratin Dauphinois

Side Dish - French - January 12, 2023
A hearty and colorful stew with tender chicken and white beans, sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Slow Cooker Chicken Cassoulet

Main Course - French - January 26, 2023
A deep rich color from the red wine, the plate contains a few tender chicken thighs, with root vegetables and a light sauce topped with fresh herbs.

Gluten-Free Coq au Vin with Winter Vegetables

Main Course - French - February 05, 2023
Fall-apart tender beef, deep brown sauce, sweet onion and mushrooms.

Red Wine Braised Beef with Caramelised Onions and Mushrooms

Main Course - French - March 12, 2023
A colorful plate of mixed greens topped with shaved asparagus, snap peas, radishes, and cherry tomatoes, and garnished with rustic herbed croutons.

Spring Vegetable Salad with Herbed Croutons

Side Dish - French - March 16, 2023
A colorful salad with a mix of mushrooms, greens, herbs and sesame seeds, topped with a light vinaigrette. Perfect for a crisp, cool evening.

Mushroom Medley Salad

Main Course - French - March 26, 2023
A rich and hearty stew of tender venison, mushrooms, and pearl onions, served in a deep bowl with a slice of crusty bread.

Venison Bourguignon

Main Course - French - April 18, 2023
A slice of toasted sourdough bread topped with a generous serving of cashew cream, white asparagus, and sautéed mushrooms, finished with a sprinkle of fresh herbs.

Vegan White Asparagus and Mushroom Tartine

Main Course - French - May 12, 2023
A stack of golden-colored, thin and crispy crepes, with a flavorful filling of spinach, mushrooms, and cheese spilling out from the sides. Topped with grated cheese and fresh herbs.

Spinach Mushroom and Cheese Crepes

Main Course - French - February 02, 2023
A stunning tart with a golden, flaky crust and vibrant vegetable slices arranged in concentric circles on top.

Ratatouille Tart

Main Course - French - May 16, 2023
This dish features two slices of toasted bread topped with fresh asparagus, ham, and a sunny egg each. The Bechamel sauce is evenly spread over the assembled toasts, while some extra asparagus spears on the side add color and freshness.

Asparagus Croque Madame

Brunch - French - May 27, 2023
Circular pizza with a thin crust, topped with colorful vegetables and melted cheese.

Rainy Day Ratatouille Pizza

Quick and Easy - French - June 12, 2023
A plate of spaghetti topped with pan-seared scallops, blanched asparagus and lemony white wine sauce.

Scallop Spaghetti with Lemon White Wine Sauce

Main Course - French - June 16, 2023
Pan-seared salmon on top of a bed of fava bean and asparagus salad, drizzled with a lemon vinaigrette.

Pan-Seared Salmon with Fava Bean and Asparagus Salad

Main Course - French - June 26, 2023
A vibrant plate of steamed mussels surrounded by colorful summer vegetables.

Mussels Provencal

Main Course - French - July 02, 2023
A colorful tart with a flaky crust, topped with vibrant spring vegetables.

Savory Spring Vegetable Tart

Brunch - French - July 08, 2023
A colorful plate of linguine with grilled shrimp, tossed in a lemon-basil sauce, garnished with fresh herbs and lemon zest.

Lemon-Basil Linguine with Grilled Shrimp

Main Course - French - July 13, 2023
A plate of golden-brown French fries elegantly arranged in a cone shape, topped with a sprinkle of sea salt, chopped parsley, and drizzled with truffle-infused oil. An irresistible sight!

Iconic Gourmet French Fries

Side Dish - French - July 13, 2023
A beautifully plated dish with tender chicken, bacon, and mushrooms in a dark, rich sauce, garnished with fresh herbs.

Coq au Vin

Main Course - French - July 14, 2023
A golden, flaky galette crust with vibrant colors of fresh vegetables on top.

Summer Vegetable Galette

Brunch - French - July 15, 2023
A vibrant salad featuring diced watermelon, crumbled feta cheese, and sprinkles of fresh mint leaves on top, all arranged beautifully on a platter.

Watermelon, Feta, and Mint Salad

Main Course - French - July 20, 2023
A tall and effervescent cocktail with a light pink hue, garnished with a sprig of fresh rosemary and a lavender sprig.

Rosemary Lavender Spritz

Cocktail - French - July 28, 2023
A hearty, rustic loaf with a crispy, golden brown crust. The interior reveals a canvas of warm ivory sourdough studded with cranberries, their color a vibrant contrast. Scattered walnut pieces add a rich earthiness. The bread is sliced thickly, revealing the fluffy yet structured inner crumb.

Cranberry Crush Sourdough Bread

Bakery - French - August 09, 2023
The dish, served on a rustic white ceramic plate, is bursting with colors. The dark sheen of the plum-glazed chicken sits in the center, surrounded by a halo of vibrant, lightly caramelized plum slices. The herbs scattered elegantly across the top add just the right touch of color and texture. Each serving is garnished with an upright sprig of thyme. It is indeed a painter's palette on a plate.

Plum-Glazed Coq au Vin with Thyme

Main Course - French - August 11, 2023
The plate is a palette of muted autumn colors. At its heart is a bed of fluffy white roasted garlic rice, speckled with fresh herbs. Atop the rice sit caramel-brown, translucent zucchini rounds, glistening with the sheen of confit. The dish is garnished with a sprinkle of chopped herbs and a drizzle of the garlic-infused oil in which the zucchini was confited.

Zucchini Confit with Roasted Garlic Herb Rice

Main Course - French - September 24, 2023
A rustic bowl holds a feast for the eye and taste, brimming with plump open mussels, warm hued pumpkin chunks, and sprigs of fresh thyme. Caramelized shallots shimmer in the creamy white broth, dotted with orange zest curls. Crusty French bread slices nestled at one side, perfect for soaking up the delicious wine broth.

Pumpkin-Infused Mussels in White Wine Broth

Quick and Easy - French - October 05, 2023
The dish presents a deep, rich burgundy hued soup with tender chunks of beef peeking out, surrounded by a colorful medley of carrots, mushrooms and pearl onions. It's sprinkled with fresh chopped parsley lending a splash of green. The dish is housed in a porcelain white bowl, making the colors pop out.

Julia Child's Boeuf Bourguignon

Main Course - French - October 20, 2023
Large, caramelized Portobello caps take center stage of the ivory plate, contrasted by an understudy of vibrant, green lentils laced with colorful bursts of diced red bell pepper and finely chopped parsley. A golden lemon wedge, ready to squeeze, offers a pop of color in the upper corner.

Pan-Roasted Portobello with Herbes de Provence Lentils

Main Course - French - October 26, 2023
The top view of the dish reveals two cylindrical, lightly toasted soufflés standing proud in individual ceramic ramekins. They are dusted with powdered sugar, resembling a serene snowfall. Wisps of steam rise, promising a sumptuous, warm experience. The dark green broccoli florets poke through the surface, their vibrant hue contrasting against the fluffy, chocolate texture.

Choco-Broccoli Soufflé

Dessert - French - November 08, 2023
A golden-brown tart appears beautifully baked with caramelized onions peeking through the melting Gruyere cheese, dusted with flecks of fresh thyme leaves. The tart is carefully cut into quarters, and the flaky layers of the tart crust are revealed in one of the slices that's lifted slightly.

Savory French Onion Tart

Brunch - French - November 25, 2023
A symphony of colors with toasty golden bread layered with hints of pink radish slices and white creamy sauce, topped with a melted blanket of Gruyère. Small rosemary sprigs and a sprinkle of scattered paprika dots contrast with the creamy background.

Radish Riviera Croque Monsieur

Brunch - French - December 02, 2023
An eclectic purplish-red and brown radial pattern is presented amidst a golden tart crust, adjustable according to the serving size. Dots of creamy white goat cheese juxtapose the vibrant radicchio. A light sprinkling of green thyme leaves contrasts yet complements the tart, arranged on a rustic white plate.

Winter Radicchio Tart

Main Course - French - December 07, 2023
Rich, golden soup generously speckled with glistening oysters and colorful vegetables. Fresh herbs and toasted baguette on the rim of the bowl add contrast and warmth; a sprinkle of saffron threads provides the final gourmet touch.

Oyster Provencal Soup

Main Course - French - December 18, 2023
A beautiful round, golden-brown loaf, speckled with melted gruyere cheese, caramelized onions, and chunks of earthy mushrooms. Creamy melted cheese glistens on the crust, highlighting the rich, darkened onions and hearty mushrooms peeking out, making it especially Instagram-worthy.

Rustic Cremini Mushroom and Gruyere Bread

Brunch - French - December 20, 2023
A duo of ramekins showcasing a golden caramel top covering a creamy, off-white custard. Each ramekin is adorned with a thin sunchoke chip. The elegant simplicity invites the eater to break through the caramelized sugar layer to discover the velvety custard below.

Sunchoke Surprise Crème Brûlée

Dessert - French - January 05, 2024
A snowy pile of roasted duck is centred on a bright white plate, coated in a glossy pomelo glaze. Its crispy skin is visible, contrasting against the tender pinkish meat. Garnished with sprigs of thyme, slices of caramelized pomelo, and a dusting of coarse ground black pepper, it's a tactile landscape of gourmet delight.

Caramelized Pomelo BBQ Duck

BBQ - French - January 12, 2024
A beautiful array of mussels are nested in the shell, glossy with the sweet wine reduction. The vibrant, custard-like crème anglaise pools gracefully around them, speckled with fine orange zest. A dusting of icing sugar on top explodes in a muted white cloud against the panorama of colors underneath. A dramatic sprig of mint rests on top as a playful nod to the sea theme.

Mussels à la Mode de Mer

Dessert - French - February 19, 2024
This plated dish presents an array of colors and textures. At one side, the regal rack of lamb crowned with a golden crust. It's pink, juicy meat reveals itself when cut and invites from the center of the plate. On the other side, the ratatouille, a brilliant mélange of veggies forms a rainbow of soft, roasted vegetables, glistening with olive oil.

Herb Crusted Rack of Lamb with Ratatouille

Main Course - French - March 02, 2024
The popover-style crepe sits tall and inviting on the plate, golden-brown and opened up to reveal the lightly browned crab stuffing. It's all draped in an inviting silky carrot-ginger emulsion that pools slightly at the base creating a vibrant contrast. Hints of green from the fresh chervil garnishing the dish add a dash of color.

Baked Crab-Stuffed Crepe with a Carrot-Ginger Emulsion

Main Course - French - March 08, 2024
Imagine an artisanal round loaf, golden and crusty on the outside with slits across the top. Upon slicing, reveals a creamy clam filling, speckled with herbs, bits of bacon and the vibrant green of peas; contrasting the warm, soft, delicious bread that encapsulates it.

Clam Filled Boule de Campagne

Main Course - French - March 25, 2024
Picture on your plate, juicy caramelized medallions of venison arranged off center over a bed of vibrant green asparagus spears, dusted with toasted almond slices. Pops of cherry-red pomegranate seeds intersperse the green. Everything is glossed with a light herb-infused sauce, with fresh sprigs of thyme and rosemary, atop the protein, lend a visual depth and Instagram-worthy contrast.

Herb-Crusted Venison Medallions with Asparagus Amandine

Main Course - French - April 12, 2024
A vibrant rainbow of softened vegetables, with hues of red, yellow, green and purple, coated in a rich, glossy tomato sauce. Balmy sprigs of fresh thyme rest on top, while a golden crusty baguette lays nearby, ready to soak up the flavorful juices.

Classic French Ratatouille in Cast Iron

Main Course - French - April 22, 2024
Gorgeous éclairs lined up on a sky-star themed plate, each shining in their glossy, rich and dark chocolate armor. Their exteriors mimic the sleek silhouette of Darth Vader's helmet, with a precise streak of contrasting white royal icing, depicting the character's iconic mask design.

Darth Vader Dark Chocolate Eclairs

Dessert - French - May 04, 2024
The dish is robust with colors - deep green Kale atop a medley of golden butter beans and tomato chunks, speckled with vibrant pieces of carrots and celery, and adorned with pearl onions adding a glossy touch. A sprinkling of breadcrumbs and finely chopped parsley completes the picture, making the whole dish come together in a harmony of rustic beauty.

Rustic French Slow-Cooker Kale Cassoulet

Main Course - French - May 10, 2024
From above, you see highlighted slices of golden, rustic-grilled bread, each topped evenly with colorful Ratatouille. The green pieces of celery peeping out from the spread gives it a heightened, appetizing appeal. The dish is accented with sprinkled fresh, chopped parsley and micro herbs.

Celery Ratatouille Tartine

Brunch - French - May 25, 2024
A round ivory mound of potato mash elegantly rests in the center of the plate. Green celery batons gently press into the mash imitating a starburst, while fresh herbs are tastefully scattered to add color contrasts. A smooth, golden sauce lightly drizzled around completes this Instagram-worthy masterpiece.

Celery Viennetta Parmentier

Main Course - French - May 28, 2024
Two glistening eggplant roulades lay cozied up on a rustic ceramic plate. The deep purple of the eggplant skin is complemented by the creamy white of the goat cheese peeping out from the scroll. Fresh herbs scatter over the top, lending the dish a pop of vibrant green.

Roasted Eggplant Roulades with Herbed Goat Cheese

Main Course - French - June 04, 2024
Glistening green beans lay like a lush bed, propping up golden brown chicken pieces coated in a layer of enticing Dijon glaze. Small punctuations of vibrantly caramelized lemon wedges and scattered chopped herbs lend an aesthetic balance of color and texture as steam lazily rises from the concoction.

Green Bean Cassolette with Dijon Mustard Chicken

Main Course - French - June 06, 2024
At the heart of the plate is a perfectly cooked halibut, golden and flaky. Surrounding it, a rainbow of roasted spring vegetables: petite French beans, cherry tomatoes, and baby radishes. The side offering is a small heap of vibrant green pea purée. Drizzled over the halibut is a vibrant tangy citrus dressing, and sprinkled around the plate are fresh herbs. The contrast between the white fish, colorful vegetables, and green accents makes a striking, photogenic dish.

Provençale Halibut with Roasted Spring Vegetables

Main Course - French - June 09, 2024
A delightful sight of deep purple, creamy whites and vibrant greens, garnished with a touch of redness from cherry tomatoes. It's a beautiful mosaic of colorful vegetables in a slow-cooker pot, with an irresistible aroma wafting from it.

Slow Cooker Provencal Eggplant Caponata

Main Course - French - June 11, 2024
From above, you'll see robust, brown Shiitake mushrooms that hold the plate's center, glistening with a glossy red wine reduction. Golden potatoes and crisp, vibrant green beans add a delightful color contrast. A sprinkle of fresh parsley adds a pop of green and tying the entrée together.

Shiitake Au Vin

Main Course - French - June 12, 2024
Bright red chunks of lobster meat softly resting on thick, golden brioche French toast. It's topped with a sprinkling of green chives, light-colored citrus zest, and dusting of powdered sugar, complemented by the deep crimson of the berries on the side.

Lobster Brioche French Toast

Breakfast - French - June 18, 2024