
A colorful bowl of roasted eggplants, chickpeas, and feta cheese, topped with a drizzle of tangy tahini sauce and served with warm pita bread

Roasted Eggplant and Chickpea Bowl

Main Course - Mediterranean - January 05, 2023
The dish is a colorful and flavorful composition, with lightly charred shrimp arranged on a bed of sautéed vegetables, all dusted with a golden and smoky spice blend.

Grilled Shrimp with Spanish Vegetables

Main Course - Mediterranean - January 06, 2023
Pan-seared sea bass filets on a bed of roasted vegetables, drizzled with lemon juice and olive oil.

Pan-Seared Sea Bass with Lemon and Herb Roasted Vegetables

Main Course - Greek - January 10, 2023
A colorful and appetizing bowl made with boiled Israeli couscous, pan seared shrimp, fresh cherry tomatoes, roasted pumpkin, sliced cucumber, and olives. It's garnished with fresh parsley and feta cheese and dressed with a lemon-garlic vinaigrette.

Mediterranean-Style Shrimp and Israeli Couscous Salad

Main Course - Mediterranean - January 19, 2023
A colorful plate of stir-fried chicken and vegetables, served over brown rice

Mediterranean Chicken and Vegetable Stir-Fry

Main Course - Mediterranean - February 17, 2023
Tender chicken pieces perfectly coated with a glossy citrus glaze, topped with vivid red pomegranate seeds served on a bed of fragrant rice and fresh herbs.

Citrus Glazed Chicken with Pomegranate Seeds

Quick and Easy - American - February 20, 2023
A bed of arugula topped with roasted asparagus, white beans, olives, capers, and shaved Parmesan cheese. The salad is drizzled with a lemony vinaigrette and garnished with fresh herbs.

Mediterranean Asparagus and White Bean Salad

Main Course - Mediterranean - February 26, 2023
A beautiful and colorful seafood stew with shrimp, mussel, squid, and vegetables, served with crusty bread to soak up the rich tomato-based broth.

Moroccan-Spanish Seafood Stew

Main Course - Mediterranean - March 27, 2023
A colorful plate of thinly sliced seasonal fruits, sweet cherry tomatoes, tender shrimp, and creamy avocado on a bed of fresh greens.

Mediterranean Ceviche

Main Course - Mediterranean - April 09, 2023
A colorful and fragrant skillet dish with pan-roasted asparagus and chickpeas with spices, served with creamy cashew tzatziki on top.

One-Pan Asparagus and Chickpea Skillet

Main Course - Mediterranean - April 23, 2023
Thinly sliced artisanal bread, topped with mashed artichoke hearts and zest lemon, finished with chopped parsley and olive oil drizzle.

Artichoke and Lemon Tartine

Brunch - Mediterranean - April 20, 2023
A stunning tart with a golden, flaky crust and vibrant vegetable slices arranged in concentric circles on top.

Ratatouille Tart

Main Course - French - May 16, 2023
A light and colorful salad with grilled chicken, fluffy quinoa, sliced cucumbers, crumbled feta cheese, and a zesty lemon and olive oil dressing.

Grilled Chicken and Quinoa Salad

Quick and Easy - Greek - June 06, 2023
A bed of sliced cucumbers and daikon topped with cooked mackerel fillet and drizzled with a tangy dressing.

Summer Mackerel Salad

Main Course - Japanese - June 18, 2023
A clean white bowl filled to the brim. Chunky ripe tomatoes mingling with luscious avocado pieces, set on a backdrop of toasted brown rustic bread. The silver gleam of grilled sardines tops it all, glimmering with a drizzle of glossy olive oil. A sprinkle of fresh parsley leaves and a lemon wedge provide a final pop of color.

Mediterranean Sardine Bruschetta Bottomless Bowl

Brunch - Mediterranean - August 12, 2023
This dish is abstract art on a plate. Picture a series of golden-brown cauliflower slices laying on a bed of Mediterranean green pesto, chunks of molten mozzarella decorating its surface. Every slice is adorned with halved cherry tomatoes, their bright red skin providing a blow of color potency. All garnished with fresh basil leaves, dark and emerald.

Roasted Cauliflower Steak Pizzaiola

Main Course - Italian - August 18, 2023
An orange ringed, pale green tagine pot sits on a rustic wooden surface. From within the lid’s conical peak, aromatic steam tendrils escape. The intense orange of the tenderly cooked sweet potatoes, the braised aubergines' velvety textures blend with the chickpeas, forming a vibrant color canvas, contrasted by the pop of ruby-red pomegranate seeds and refreshing green mint leaves sprinkled on top.

Africana-Mediterranean Sweet Potato and Chickpea Tagine

Main Course - Fusion - August 19, 2023
Imagine a carefully poured circular glass showcasing layers of deep burgundy and sumptuous purple hues, contrasted with a creamy, vibrant sweet potato layer. The top layer is dusted with crunchy, crushed pistachios and drizzled with a swirl of glossy honey. Scattered ruby-red pomegranate seeds glisten atop.

Sweet Potato Pomegranate Paradise Smoothie

Smoothie - Middle Eastern - August 22, 2023
From above, imagine mounds of golden, flaky biscuits split open to reveal layers of texture, dotted with bright green scallions. Over this, a glossy, vibrant red tomato gravy drapes, speckled with pieces of chopped garlic and fresh herbs. On the side: a soft, sunshine-yellow fried egg waits, garnished with a dash of pepper.

Garlic-Infused Tomato Gravy over Scallion Biscuits

Breakfast - Southern American - August 25, 2023
A colorful hash brown skillet adorned with bright red tomatoes, yellow bell peppers, and sprinkles of vibrant green oregano. A sunny-side-up egg proudly sits in the center, its yolk gleaming invitingly.

Zesty Oregano Breakfast Skillet

Breakfast - American - August 28, 2023
The beautiful brown hue of the sauteed Oyster mushrooms contrasts perfectly with the pastel orzo medley, and charred feta cubes, sprinkled with vibrant green parsley and lemon zest on a beautifully textured natural ceramic dish. The appealing arrangement instantly tempts one to dive in.

Oyster Mushroom Orzo Medley with Charred Feta

Main Course - Mediterranean - August 31, 2023
An artful display of egg nests gently nestled into a spicy beetroot sauce full of contrasting colors from vibrant red beetroot puree against stark white round egg yolks and a sprinkle of deep green parsley leaves. Served in a rustic cast-iron skillet evoking warmth and heartiness.

Beetroot Shakshuka

Brunch - African - September 02, 2023
A pristine white plate is the canvas for our vibrant dish. Centered is the tender, white flesh of the snapper, coated with reddish-brown Cajun spices. Surrounding the fish is a colorful mélange of red, yellow, and green heirloom tomatoes, speckled with dark bits of assorted olives, and fine, green sprigs of herbs. Edible flowers sprinkled around bring pops of color, creating a feast for the eyes.

Cajun-Spiced Mediterranean Snapper

Main Course - Fusion - September 03, 2023
This smoothie radiates a rich purple hue, topped with light-green mint leaves, coarsely chopped almonds and a sprinkle of ground cinnamon, giving it an aura of the Mediterranean. A few scattered grapes on the side complete the inviting picture.

Golden Sun Greek Smoothie

Smoothie - Mediterranean - September 11, 2023
A picturesque stack of golden pancakes tower on a matte black plate. The pancakes are studded with vibrantly green basil, bold red kimchi, and thin, glossy ribbons of prosciutto. Micro greens and a sprinkling of sesame seeds provide a finishing touch. A sleek silver fork and knife rest at the side, ready to dive into the appetizing composition.

Italian-Korean Basil Prosciutto Kimchi Pancakes

Brunch - Fusion - September 16, 2023
A quartet of beautifully opened oysters nestled in their half shells, bathed in an earthy-brown tahini sauce, lightly bronzed from baking and glistening under a generous sprinkling of vibrant green parsley. On the side, a small mound of tabouleh salsa, resplendent in the shades of green parsley, ruby red tomatoes and gleaming pearls of soaked bulgur wheat, all harmonized by the sheen of olive oil.

Oysters with Tahini and Tabouleh-Salsa

Brunch - Middle Eastern - September 18, 2023
Vibrant rosy soup garnished with tiny diced watermelon and tomato cubes, a sprig of fresh basil, and a drizzle of olive oil, served in a pristine white bowl.

Italian Inspired Watermelon and Tomato Gazpacho

Main Course - Italian - September 20, 2023
A delightfully warm hued bowl featuring a succulent piece of halibut nestled in a vibrant red saffron-tomato broth studded with bursts of yellow and red from the grape tomatoes. It's garnished with fresh torn basil leaves, adding a pop of green to complement the red and touches of crumbled feta cheese dusting the top.

Mediterranean Halibut in Saffron Tomato Broth

Main Course - Mediterranean - September 21, 2023
The plate is a palette of muted autumn colors. At its heart is a bed of fluffy white roasted garlic rice, speckled with fresh herbs. Atop the rice sit caramel-brown, translucent zucchini rounds, glistening with the sheen of confit. The dish is garnished with a sprinkle of chopped herbs and a drizzle of the garlic-infused oil in which the zucchini was confited.

Zucchini Confit with Roasted Garlic Herb Rice

Main Course - French - September 24, 2023
Golden-brown slices of pan-seared halloumi cheese sit proudly at the dish's center. Spots of vibrant green from the lemon and herb-infused couscous pop from underneath. Charred eggplant quarters, glistening with olive oil, balance at the edge of the plate. The seasoning of deep red paprika on the cheese echoes in bits of chopped red chili scattered around. Finish off with a sprinkle of fresh herbs for a fine dining flair. It's as dazzling to the eye as it is to the palate.

Spiced Halloumi with Roasted Eggplant and Lemon-Herb Couscous

Main Course - Mediterranean - September 25, 2023
A golden tart base holding a creamy, caramel-colored custard speckled with finely chopped, caramelized leeks. On top, arranged in a star formation, are five wedges of glassy, cardamom-infused pears glistening under a thin glaze. Garnished with tiny sprigs of mint.

Cardamom Pears & Caramelized Leek Custard Tart

Dessert - Mediterranean - September 27, 2023
A rustic bowl holds a feast for the eye and taste, brimming with plump open mussels, warm hued pumpkin chunks, and sprigs of fresh thyme. Caramelized shallots shimmer in the creamy white broth, dotted with orange zest curls. Crusty French bread slices nestled at one side, perfect for soaking up the delicious wine broth.

Pumpkin-Infused Mussels in White Wine Broth

Quick and Easy - French - October 05, 2023
Upon first glance, the vibrant hues of the risotto jump out - deep purple from the roasted beetroot, spotted occasionally with creamy white and green from the crumbled feta and fresh herbs. The walnuts provide a rustic touch, while a final dusting of orange zest adds a vibrant contrast.

Roasted Beetroot and Walnut Risotto

Main Course - Mediterranean - October 06, 2023
The plated dish is visually rustic yet elegant. The golden-hued pumpkin flatbreads are arranged in a fan-like manner, accompanied by a dollop of creamy labneh that shines snow white. Scattered rosemary sprigs, ruby pomegranate seeds, and chopped pistachio bring bursts of vibrant colors to the plate.

Rosemary Infused Labneh & Spiced Pumpkin Flatbreads

Brunch - Middle Eastern - October 07, 2023
The bread is golden brown with specks of green thyme embedded into the surface. It’s scattered with slight dashes of white salt, contrasting with the deep hues. The flatbread is arranged on a rustic wooden board, serving as a canvas to the bread's bold visual appeal. The edges have a slight crunch, reflecting the light, and the center - soft and warm. It's sliced into even wedges, exuding a warm and inviting autumn aesthetic.

Autumn Thyme Korean Flatbread

Bread - Fusion - October 08, 2023
A large, shallow saffron-tinted pan dotted with a myriad of vibrant ingredients: generously scattered sunset-orange shrimp intertwined with succulent slightly charred chicken chunks and rose-hued chorizo slices. Pops of vibrant greens from peas and red bell peppers, soften the heavy color palette. The dish is garnished with lemon wedges on the sides for a final touch.

Festive Paella Valenciana

Main Course - Spanish - October 12, 2023
A vibrant medley of vivid, roasted root vegetables – deep oranges, purples, and russets – sit pooled around a golden, seared slab of gochujang glazed halloumi. Scattered on top, glossy, caramelised mushrooms gleam with rich, dark soy glaze, peppered with white sesame seeds. A final drift of fresh green parsley adds a striking contrast.

Gochujang Glazed Halloumi & Roasted Root Vegetables

Main Course - Fusion - October 17, 2023
A large fillet of salmon with a picturesque sear lies atop a bed of vibrant radicchio, speckled with glistening pomegranates and cubes of pear. The deep purple of the radicchio and ruby-red pomegranates contrast dramatically against the cream pears and goat cheese, making the dish pop on a white plate.

Pan-Seared Salmon with Pear and Radicchio Salad

Main Course - Mediterranean - October 19, 2023
Mid-golden, caramel-glazed fillet of fish, gently charred on its edges, seated on a black lacquer plate. Garnished with microgreens and thinly-sliced radishes at its side, adding to the subtle elegance. A small dish of vibrant, freshly grated wasabi roots complements the plating.

Saikyo Yaki: Grilled Miso-Marinated Fish

Main Course - Japanese - October 22, 2023
A vibrant, colorful medley of deep greens from kale, pops of red from bell peppers, and a creamy, richly spiced broth. Topped with a sprinkle of fresh, chopped green scallions and a dash of alabaster white, crumbled feta cheese - a visual feast in a bowl.

Cajun Infused Kale Tempest Soup

Main Course - Cajun - October 29, 2023
A brightly hued dish, it features risotto tinged with the lively orange color of the pumpkin, speckled with vibrant purple chunks of beetroot, topped with a scattering of toasted pumpkin seeds and a dash of fresh vibrant green parsley.

Roasted Pumpkin and Beetroot Risotto

Main Course - Fusion - November 01, 2023
A bronzed, glossy loaf adorned with thinly sliced delicata squash, creating a crown pattern on top. The crumb reveals vibrant specks of orange squash and contrasting dark pecans.

Delicata Squash Harvest Loaf

Brunch - American - November 05, 2023
A vibrant bed of mixed greens, topped with golden chunks of roasted squash. Small white crumbles of feta cheese are scattered amongst shiny pomegranate seeds, all glistening under a glossy red drizzle of pomegranate molasses. Two sail-like orange slices are perched at the edge of the salad, suggesting a splash of citrus brightness.

Autumn Mediterranean Squash Salad

Salad - Mediterranean - November 06, 2023
The viewer must see a burst of joy and color - warm tortillas generously filled with smoky, grilled shrimps drizzled with a glossy chipotle lime aioli, topped with vibrant, crispy arugula, crowned with tiny bits of magenta-colored pickled onions and a sprinkle of crumbly white cheese. The plate is garnished with a lime wedge on the side.

Chipotle Lime Shrimp Tacos with Arugula

Main Course - Mexican - November 07, 2023
A shared plate vibrant with colorful morsels. Lavishly garnished clams nestle within the plate's heart, a lush coating of chunky tomato-jalapeno salsa sweeps over the clams, and the oh-so-slightly charred edges of delicately crisp tortilla shards peek out from between. A hint of lime zest and fresh cilantro leaves sporadically scattered on top add the finishing touch.

Chipotle Lime Clams with Tortilla Crisps

Snack - Tex-Mex - November 12, 2023
An artisanal, rustic flatbread, golden brown on top with a delightful crunch. Patches of deep brown caramelized onion contrast with crumbles of white feta cheese dotting the surface. Sprinkles of green oregano on top gives it a pop of color.

Greek Flavored Onion Feta Flatbread

Brunch - Mediterranean - November 13, 2023
A thick, juicy turkey patty sits proudly on a toasted, golden-brown whole-grain bun, adorned with a slice of glistening cheddar cheese melting into the nooks of the patty. Fresh, crisp lettuce and tomato add pops of vibrant green and red, while a dollop of tangy homemade sauce peaks seductively from the edges. Served with a vibrant, colorful mix of fresh vegetable and quinoa salad.

Yankee Fast Food Day Lean Turkey Burgers

Main Course - American - November 16, 2023
Imagine a plate with small, golden-brown, roasted pieces of parsley root dusted with dark red Cajun spices. Each bite is garnished with a thin, fresh parsley leaf. A small side dip of honey mustard sauce is present, with a wooden spoon stuck into it. The whole scene stands out attractively on a rustic wooden board, with a dark background that highlights the golden, spicy hues of the dish.

Cajun Dust Roasted Parsley Root Bites

Appetizer - Cajun - November 19, 2023
From top view, see a gorgeous charred cabbage steak lying at the center of a white plate. A crumble of almond and pecan spilling over it adds a delightful color contrast. Dots of tangy sauce garnished with fresh chopped herbs create a beautiful pattern around it.

Roasted Cabbage Steak with Almond-Pecan Crumble

Main Course - American - November 24, 2023
Imagine emerald cabbage parcels resting on a pearly plate. Within each leafy pocket, a vibrant seafood stew peeks out, a medley of shrimp, clams and scallops, generously punctuated with bright red cherry tomatoes and slices of zesty lemon. Fresh herbs and spices sprinkle over the dish like the very first snowfall of the season.

Tuscan Seafood Cabbage Parcel

Main Course - Italian - November 28, 2023
The plated dessert is a visual feast- a single slice positioned against the rest of the tart, creating an intriguing 'yin and yang' effect. You see a dark, glossy tart with a layer of caramel hues, hinting at the mushroom-infused filling beneath. The dessert is garnished with finely grated orange zest and a delicate arrangement of thinly sliced oyster mushrooms on top that add an element of surprise. A sprig of mint alongside completes this Instagram masterpiece.

Oyster Mushroom & Orange Infused Dark Chocolate Ganache Tart

Dessert - Spanish - December 01, 2023
A colorful, steaming bowl heaped with glossy mussels, their blue-gray shells contrasted against the vibrant red chili tomato broth. Sprinkles of bright green coriander and wedges of lime are strewn across the top for a vibrant pop of color.

Mexican-Style Mussels in Chili Tomato Broth

Main Course - Mexican - December 04, 2023
A vibrant, crisply golden tortilla presents a tantalizing bed of bright orange salmon chunks. This is crowned with vivid red, green, and white colors from jalapeno, cilantro, and cotija cheese, all garnished with a sprinkle of red chili flakes. Slices of lime lazily lounge on the side of the plate, ready to add their zest into the mix.

Mexican Spiced Salmon Tostadas

Brunch - Mexican - December 09, 2023
A deep, terracotta bowl filled with seafood stew, topped with vibrant green herbs and colorful citrus salsa. The translucent pink prawns, black mussels, and succulent white fish pieces peek out from the rich, deep-red tomato and bean stew. The whole dish exudes a warm, appetizing glow.

Marine Feijoada with Citrus Salsa

Main Course - Mediterranean Fusion - December 12, 2023
Rich, golden soup generously speckled with glistening oysters and colorful vegetables. Fresh herbs and toasted baguette on the rim of the bowl add contrast and warmth; a sprinkle of saffron threads provides the final gourmet touch.

Oyster Provencal Soup

Main Course - French - December 18, 2023
From above, you see a warm skillet filled with golden, crispy Brussels sprouts glistening from olive oil, interrupted by the vibrant green sprinkles of fresh herbs, crumbled white feta cheese, jet black Kalamata olives, and a trio of sunny-side-up eggs with bright yellow yolks sitting on top. The dish is garnished with a sprig of dill and a dusting of red chili flakes.

Greek-Style Breakfast Skillet with Brussels Sprouts

Breakfast - Greek - December 26, 2023
The dish presents a vibrant medley of textures and colors ranging from the diced golden rutabaga to the sprinkle of emerald-green flat leaf parsley and mint leaves. A slight gloss from the dressing enhances the dish's appeal, making it pop on a rustic earthenware plate.

Rutabaga Tabouli

Quick and Easy - Middle Eastern - January 04, 2024
From above the dish presents a trio of buckwheat pancakes topped with glistening poached eggs. The egg yolks, when pierced, spill onto the pancakes mixing with the vibrant green flecks of the zesty hollandaise. The picture-perfect brunch is completed with a sprinkle of bright chive greens and a side of roasted tomatoes.

Buckwheat Pancakes with Poached Eggs and Chive Hollandaise

Brunch - American - January 06, 2024
From above, you see a dark-colored bowl containing vibrant, chunky stew that breaks up the monochrome winter. Shades of bright orange butternut squash, dark green spinach, and speckles of red from the spiced tomato base are peeping out. A dollop of pastel-colored hummus cloud is perched on top, dusted with a burnt orange sprinkle of zaatar.

Middle-Eastern Spiced Stew with Hummus Cloud

Main Course - Mediterranean - January 08, 2024
Charred chicken pieces and bright citrus segments skewered on crisp, caramelized bamboo sticks. Brilliant colors of sunset orange, tawny brown, and garnet red create a gradient of warm tones under the glow of the BBQ glaze. Cilantro leaves adorn the platter, adding flecks of vibrant green to the expansive palette. Finishing the dish are bursts of pomelo sections comfortably nestled between the BBQ basted chicken pieces.

BBQ Pomelo Chicken Skewers

Main Course - American - January 10, 2024
A bed of deep-red roasted Roma tomatoes lies underneath a creamy, white Burrata cheese ball in the center of the plate. Steaming hot, chunks of caramelized Italian sausage are scattered around, encased in the fragrant green halo of fresh basil leaves and drizzled with EVOO and balsamic glaze. The salad is dusted with a touch of black pepper, showcasing an enticing play of colors, textures, and temperatures.

Roasted Caprese Salad with Caramelized Italian Sausage

Main Course - Italian - January 13, 2024
The dish is a beautiful dance of colors, with the red lentils shining bright under the smooth, golden saffron-infused broth. Dotted with vibrant green herbs and crimson peppers, it's a feast for the eyes.

Mediterranean Saffron and Red Lentil Stew

Main Course - Fusion - January 23, 2024
Warm, colorful and enticing, a skillet holds fluffy quinoa, vibrant peppers, squash, and black beans garnished with crumbled feta, zested lime, and finished with a sprinkle of fresh coriander. The bowl's sides are spattered with a homemade enchilada sauce, giving it a truly rustic and inviting feel.

Quinoa Enchilada Bowl

Main Course - Fusion - January 30, 2024
Viewed from above, the glossy, golden-brown bread loaf is sat on a rustic wooden board. Upon slicing, beautifully dispersed clams reveal themselves amidst the fluffy bread interior, with a sprinkle of dried herbs and sea salt crystals glittering atop.

Aegean Clam Infused Boule

Brunch - Mediterranean - February 02, 2024
Encircling a large, white, round plate are 8 plump, golden seared scallops, arranged like a clock face. A mound of lush green watercress salad sits in the centre, brightened with morsels of fiery red roasted peppers and flecks of zesty orange segments. The plate is finished with a drizzle of glossy orange-hued vinaigrette.

Seared Scallops with Warm Watercress and Roasted Red Pepper Salad

Main Course - Spanish - February 06, 2024
A vibrant heap of glossy, richly-spiced stir-fried cabbage and tofu sits over a bed of fluffy quinoa, the distinct pieces of wine-soaked currants and scattered fresh herbs are visible. Lemon wedges and a mint sprig adorn the edge of the deep, ceramic bowl, framing the colorful array of dark green cabbage, creamy tofu chunks, bright fresh herbs, and pops of currants

Spiced Cabbage and Tofu Stir-Fry with Herby Quinoa

Main Course - Fusion - February 07, 2024
An Instagram worthy arrangement with lightly browned monkfish atop a vibrant, rustic stew of red tomatoes and softened, caramelized fennel, sprinkled with fresh green parsley and sprinkling of freshly ground pepper. A slice of rustic bread on the side adds an inviting depth to the composition.

Monkfish alla Pizzaiola with Fennel Stew

Main Course - Italian - February 14, 2024
Atop a deep blue ceramic dish, the russet tones of the gumbo command attention. The meat, seafood, and colorful vegetables merrily mingle within the rich sauce, peeking through in tantalizing bursts. A fluffy mound of steamed rice dwells in the heart of the dish, framed by vibrant parsley and lemon wedges.

Mardi Gras Gumbo Extravaganza

Main Course - American - February 13, 2024
An adorable duo of mini frittatas sits on a plate, garnished with fresh dill. Each one is a slightly browned disc, filled with vibrant green broccoli florets, and dotted with creamy patches of melted goat cheese. A light salad with a tangy vinaigrette surrounds the frittatas.

Broccoli and Dill Goat Cheese Frittata

Brunch - American - February 24, 2024
Imagine golden-crust circles of creamy green-speckled polenta artistically arranged on a matte white dish. Swirls of vibrant red tomato vinaigrette whimsically navigate around and across the polenta, creating a stunning visual contrast. The plate is garnished with fresh basil leaves for added pop of color.

Polenta Collard Green Gratin with Tomato Vinaigrette

Main Course - Italian - March 05, 2024
A large, white bowl of risotto boasting creamy grains of rice with flecks of cooked green cabbage and caramelized bits of pancetta. Topped with a dusting of Parmesan and a sprinkle of fresh parsley, on a simple white background that makes the colors pop.

Hearty Cabbage & Pancetta Risotto

Main Course - Italian - March 07, 2024
A colorful medley of couscous mixed with chunks of roasted purple potatoes and butternut squash, shards of emerald green blanched Brussels sprouts, all speckled with crumbs of snowy white feta and garnished with thin slivers of red sun-dried tomatoes pop off a dark pottery bowl. Refreshing lemon wedges on the side and a sprinkle of parsley pull the dish together, making it pop on an icy background.

Roasted Winter Vegetable and Couscous Salad

Main Course - Mediterranean - March 11, 2024
A beautifully plated, colorful mound of glossy fettuccine noodles gently tossed with fennel and vibrant green herbs. The white fennel slivers and orange zests contrast against the brownish noodles.

Five-Spice Fennel Fettuccine

Main Course - Fusion - March 17, 2024
Golden, toasty slices of rye bread form the base of this striking dish. They are layered with wilted emerald-green chard and creamy feta crumbles. Each toast is crowed with poached eggs, with bright yellow yolks glistening at centre. A sprinkle of fuchsia pickled onions and dark green dill fronds add vibrant pops of color.

Mediterranean Chard and Feta Toast with Poached Eggs

Brunch - Mediterranean - March 23, 2024
This is a vibrant platter boasting of a pan-seared golden brown cod draped in chunky dark green tomatillo salsa. Around it lie charred lime halves and sprigs of fresh cilantro. Finishing off with a dusting of crumbled queso fresco gives it a pop of white color and texture contrast. Everything is staged on a ceramic plate symbolizing rustic charm.

Mexican-Style Cod Veracruz with Chunky Tomatillo Salsa

Main Course - Mexican - March 28, 2024
A blush hued drink in a clear glass, with a golden honey swirl at the bottom. There's a frothy cap on top from shaking, adorned with a sprig of fresh mint and a twisted grapefruit peel for garnish. Raw fennel seeds at the base of the glass give a textured contrast.

Fennel Elixir Cocktail

Cocktail - Indian Fusion - April 04, 2024
A white ceramic bowl filled with golden broth and tender shredded chicken, speckled with vibrant green arugula and lemon slices. Garnished with a sprig of fresh dill on top.

Lemony Chicken and Arugula Soup

Main Course - American - April 07, 2024
A stunning plated dish featuring a bed of fluffy quinoa mixed with fresh spinach and cherry tomatoes at the base. On top, sit perfectly pan-seared salmon fillets, with golden-brown crispy edges. The dish is garnished with lemon wedges and fresh dill, providing a pop of color contrast. Everything is lightly drizzled with a zesty lemon-dill vinaigrette, adding a shine to this visually appealing dish.

Serene Salmon Quinoa Salad

Main Course - Mediterranean - April 07, 2024
From the top, you'll see beautifully golden-brown, herbed new potatoes sitting on a bed of vibrant Spring vegetable ragù. The ragù is a lively mix of green, red, and white colors, with chunks of vegetables poking through a thick, glossy sauce. Garnished with a sprinkle of fresh chopped parsley and a drizzle of golden olive oil.

Herb-Crusted New Potatoes with Spring Vegetable Ragù

Main Course - Italian - April 08, 2024
A white deep-dish platter filled with golden brown new potatoes lightly stewed, garnished with sprigs of fresh dill, sprinkles of crumbled feta cheese, bursts of green olives and droplets of yellow lemon zest. A slice of crusty bread sits to one side.

Slow Cooker Nouveau Greek Potatoes

Main Course - Greek - April 09, 2024
A riot of vibrant greens, with chunks of pale green Kohlrabi interspersed with bright green peas, nestled alongside lemon wedges. Randomly strewn bits of lemon zest and a sprig of fresh mint as garnish add beautiful contrast. Crystal clear lemon vinaigrette oozes around the edge.

Springtime Stir-fried Kohlrabi & Sweet Peas

Side Dish - Italian - April 10, 2024
A cornucopia of textures and colors on a light yellow, rectangular platter. Golden crispy chunks of pan-seared shrimp mingle with soft vibrant pink, orange, and red bell peppers. Chunks of soft, creamy avocado are scattered across the top for a pop of color. Tiny ebony drops of balsamic reduction provide a striking contrast.

Caribbean Shrimp & Veggie Hash with Avocado Cream

Brunch - Caribbean - April 13, 2024
At first glance, the vibrant colors of the vegetables - emerald zucchini, ruby-red bell pepper, and sun-ripened yellow squash - make an unabashed proclamation of freshness, beautifully contrasted against a bed of bejeweled rainbow quinoa. The dish is crowned by a dollop of herb-infused goat cheese, adding a touch of creaminess and depth to this lush tableau.

Rainbow Quinoa Ratatouille with Herb Goat Cheese

Main Course - Mediterranean - April 16, 2024
Juicy, open mussels are nestled on a bed of bright green dill, cilantro, and slivers of red chili. The sauce, appearing rich and creamy, pools beneath them, reflecting hints of lime. Grainy chunks of garlic bread offset the mussels’ glistening shells.

Kokomo Mussels

Quick and Easy - American - April 18, 2024
A vibrant rainbow of softened vegetables, with hues of red, yellow, green and purple, coated in a rich, glossy tomato sauce. Balmy sprigs of fresh thyme rest on top, while a golden crusty baguette lays nearby, ready to soak up the flavorful juices.

Classic French Ratatouille in Cast Iron

Main Course - French - April 22, 2024
A vibrant, verdant-hued heap of homemade nettle linguini sits ringed by a colourful array of seashells bedazzled with still-glistening clams and cerise prawns. Bright flecks of red chili and lemon zest lend pops of color, while a dusting of crumbled pecorino and chopped parsley crowns the creation.

Nettle-Infused Linguini with Springtime Seafood Medley

Main Course - Italian - April 26, 2024
A rich, earth tone smoothie in a tall glass garnished with finely sliced pieces of figs on top. Bright arugula leaves, a dusting of cinnamon, and a drizzle of tahini give it a luxurious, Instagram-worthy finish.

Arugula & Figs Suzme Smoothie

Smoothie - Middle Eastern - April 28, 2024
Visually stunning, the plated dish takes center stage with a melt-in-your-mouth lamb shank resting in a pool of vibrant green ramp-infused sauce. This is heightened by the garnishing of finely chopped fresh ramps and a side of rustic bread, forming an artistic palette of rustic browns against verdant greens.

Ramp-Packed Slow Cooker Lamb Shanks

Main Course - American - April 29, 2024
An attractive ceramic skillet filled with a reddish-orange sauce with pieces of rainbow chard peeping out. Bursts of white set against this backdrop from poached eggs peeking from the sauce. Crumbles of feta and a sprinkle of fresh herbs add the final touch.

Mediterranean Chard Shakshuka

Brunch - Mediterranean - May 04, 2024
The dish exhibits a golden brown thick slice of warm multi-grain bread, generously topped with lush green peppery arugula pesto. A sprig of fresh arugula and a sprinkle of red chili flakes adds depth and contrast to this ⠀seasonal beauty.

Arugula Pesto Slathered Toast

Brunch - American - May 05, 2024
A sunny, seared trout fillet sits at the heart of the porcelain round plate. A jewel-colored tumble of fresh tomatoes and zesty citrus salsa creates a vibrant color palette around it. A scattering of chopped herbs adds the finishing touch to this bright, appetizing dish.

Andalusian Citrus Trout

Main Course - Spanish - May 08, 2024
The dish is robust with colors - deep green Kale atop a medley of golden butter beans and tomato chunks, speckled with vibrant pieces of carrots and celery, and adorned with pearl onions adding a glossy touch. A sprinkling of breadcrumbs and finely chopped parsley completes the picture, making the whole dish come together in a harmony of rustic beauty.

Rustic French Slow-Cooker Kale Cassoulet

Main Course - French - May 10, 2024
Golden-brown deboned roast chicken arranged in the center of a warm rustic platter. The succulent chicken is encircled by a blush of tender artichokes and browned shiitake mushrooms, dotted with bits of crisp spinach, vibrant red bell peppers, and finished with a sprinkling of thyme and lemon zest.

Rosemary Roast Chicken with Artichokes and Shiitake

Main Course - American - May 11, 2024
The bread loaf looks soft and bouncy, invitingly warm in a rich golden-brown color. The crust has a slight sheen indicating its perfect bake. The parsley leaves, sparingly yet artfully sprinkled on the loaf, deliver a vibrant dash of green that contrasts with the mellow bread hues. From above, the loaf appears to be a snapshot of an early morning sunrise, speckled with fresh green hints of spring.

Seoulful Parsley-Infused Bread

Brunch - Fusion - May 20, 2024
At first glance, a vibrant and contrasting display captures your eye. The succulent, golden prawns, scallops and mussels, generously sprinkled with Indian spices are nestled on a bed of lemon-infused jasmine rice. Stir-fried, glossy, green Bok Choy, lightly charred around the edges forms a visually enticing, curved barrier around the seafood heap while a drizzle of coconut cream complements the dish, adding a softness to the scheme.

Indian Ocean Jumble with Stir-fry Bok Choy

Main Course - Indian Fusion - May 21, 2024
Imagine an inviting plate with elegantly arranged slices of sea bass exuding a golden hue, its surface glistening from light olive oil gloss. Beside it lies a vibrant salad, a feast of colors with thin slices of red oranges, pale green fennel, and dark green mint leaves, sprinkled with ruby-like pomegranate seeds. A gentle dollop of silky tzatziki aioli hued with a dab of green from fresh dill anchors the scene, artfully smeared on the plate.

Baked Sea Bass with Citrus Fennel Salad and Tzatziki Aioli

Main Course - Mediterranean - May 23, 2024
From above, you see highlighted slices of golden, rustic-grilled bread, each topped evenly with colorful Ratatouille. The green pieces of celery peeping out from the spread gives it a heightened, appetizing appeal. The dish is accented with sprinkled fresh, chopped parsley and micro herbs.

Celery Ratatouille Tartine

Brunch - French - May 25, 2024
Two glistening eggplant roulades lay cozied up on a rustic ceramic plate. The deep purple of the eggplant skin is complemented by the creamy white of the goat cheese peeping out from the scroll. Fresh herbs scatter over the top, lending the dish a pop of vibrant green.

Roasted Eggplant Roulades with Herbed Goat Cheese

Main Course - French - June 04, 2024
At the heart of the plate is a perfectly cooked halibut, golden and flaky. Surrounding it, a rainbow of roasted spring vegetables: petite French beans, cherry tomatoes, and baby radishes. The side offering is a small heap of vibrant green pea purée. Drizzled over the halibut is a vibrant tangy citrus dressing, and sprinkled around the plate are fresh herbs. The contrast between the white fish, colorful vegetables, and green accents makes a striking, photogenic dish.

Provençale Halibut with Roasted Spring Vegetables

Main Course - French - June 09, 2024
A delightful sight of deep purple, creamy whites and vibrant greens, garnished with a touch of redness from cherry tomatoes. It's a beautiful mosaic of colorful vegetables in a slow-cooker pot, with an irresistible aroma wafting from it.

Slow Cooker Provencal Eggplant Caponata

Main Course - French - June 11, 2024
From above, you would see a golden-brown round loaf, lightly dusted with flour. The crust is textured with irregular patterns, and the scraggy top is slightly split revealing its fluffy interior. Emerald-hued oregano specks are dispersed throughout the loaf adding a sense of rustic appeal.

New Yorker’s Oregano Infused Bread

Brunch - American - June 13, 2024
A vibrant canvas of colorful Spanish paella in an earthy, rustic Paella pan. Glossy, plump blueberries lend specks of blue and purple amongst crumbles of rich red chorizo and golden saffron-infused rice. Bright green peas and red bell peppers peek through this enticing medley. Accents of fresh parsley and lemon wedges at the rim of the pan complete the picture.

Blueberry Infused Chorizo Paella

Main Course - Spanish - June 17, 2024
A colorful medley of diced tomatoes, cucumber, and corn against a contrasting base of black beans and white quinoa, with a final sprinkling of crumbled feta cheese on top. Lemon wedges and avocado slices artfully placed on the side further enrich the palette with their bright yellows and greens.

Mediterranean Mex Bowl

Main Course - Fusion - June 19, 2024
A colorful sizzling pan filled with a thick, chunky tomato sauce laced with bell peppers, courgettes, and rusticly flaked trout topped with two perfectly poached eggs, toasty sesame seeds, and vibrant sprinkle of cilantro. Served with crusty sourdough to the side for a delightful insta-worthy food art.

Sun-Kissed Trout Shakshuka

Breakfast - Middle Eastern - June 26, 2024